Bruce Whittington: Right Place – Right Time

October 1, 2024 Steph Allesia No comments exist
Bruce Whittington doesn’t consider himself a photographer; his pictures tell a different story

A humpback whale breaches, breaking free the constraints of its ocean environment, arching into the clear blue light, tendrils of water streaming off its magnificent flanks as it strains upward—ever upward—towards apogee, then… click, click, click!

Bruce Whittington was in the right place at the right time to capture that glorious ballet.

But let’s zoom in for a moment on the picture taker himself. To appreciate Whittington’s art, you have to understand his point of view. “I’m not really a photographer,” he says. “I’m a naturalist who takes photographs.”

Whittington, who will be featured at the Rainforest Arts gallery in October and November, combines his lifelong passion as a naturalist with his in-depth skills as a photographer to create a remarkable record of his outdoors experiences.

As you take in his work, you might find yourself asking: Why does he hike into forests, and cruise oceans looking for his right places and perfect times to photograph defining moments of nature? And how does he capture his dramatic portrayals of creatures great and small?

His works aren’t compositions in the usual sense of the word; they’re ‘opportunistic.’ “If you’re in the right place, and at the right time, then that’s rewarding.” The trick is to have a pretty good idea of where the right place and time are likely to converge, then be there and be ready.

That’s where Whittington’s naturalist bent comes into play. For example, he knows humpback whales surface to breathe four or five times before diving, and that when they dive, you’re likely to get those spectacular shots of tail flukes streaming water as the behemoth positions itself for the mighty stroke that’s going to angle him into the ocean depths.

The convergence of a naturalist’s foresight, with a long lens and a camera capable of taking rapid bursts of high-resolution photos, makes for his striking photos. So his mantra of being in the right place at the right time can be expanded upon. You have to be there with a sense of what’s going to happen, the technology to bracket and freeze frame the moment, and the know-how to have your aperture, speed, and depth of field settings just right.

Whittington’s right places, times, and subjects range from insects, to bears, to otters, and birds. He also positions himself to record magnificent sunsets, evocative landscapes, and a visual record of lutherie—hand-making guitars is another of his passions. You can see his work online at

Right Place; Right Time will be featured at the Rainforest Arts gallery from October 1 to November 16. Rainforest Arts is located at 9781 Willow Street. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. You can contact the gallery at or 250-246-4861. Find out more at

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