Portfolio Category: Digital Art

Some words about digital art.

October 21, 2020 Peggy Grigor

I am always surrounded by inspiration; life is art. The act of being in the NOW, being mindful and embracing the ebb and flow of life opens your entire being to not only seeing with your eyes, but instead with all your senses. My work is comprised tools such as Photoshop, Lightroom and Paint.net to…

July 18, 2016 Brad

Photography and Beyond An award winning Photographic Artist producing images that use photography as a base and then adopting a creative approach to have that image provide a different and hopefully engaging message.

July 18, 2016 Brad

“I have always dreamt of creating, through the magic of photography and computer technology, visually pleasing art work that people can enjoy and relate to”. Nancy is mainly self-taught, although studied with many masters from all over North America. The photo art she creates is based on what we see in our everyday life, whether…

July 17, 2016 Brad

Daphne studied photography at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Art has advanced skills in Photoshop and Corel Painter as well as artwork reproduction and digital printing. Both have studied under leaders in the field at the Image Exploration School on Vancouver Island. After many years operating their portrait studio in Alberta they now spend…